Thursday, February 10, 2005

Fishing Trip

Greetings, friends.
I've been out of town on a "fishing trip" the past few days. No I didn't catch anything, but I did visit the Wizard, who's been ill for a couple of years. It's just a matter of time (sorry Theo if you are reading this); I think his days are numbered. He's got at least 20 years on me, god save him. At least he's got plenty of morphine.

Upon my return to my beloved abode yesterday, I retrieved a note affized to my front door. It was from Dora, my neighbor. Apparently some suspicious characters were skulking around, looking for Yours Truly. With an awful feeling in my gut I unlocked the door, worried about burglary and the like. I did a quick assessment of things, made sure the almanac was still in its hiding place, and determined that no one had broken in. Good thing I have nosy neighbors...

Later Dora followed up on the note, showing up at my door, babbling excitedly about the visitors' "funny car" and "strange behavior." The most excitement poor Dora has seen in a while I guess. I poured her a couple of glasses of good Scotch and let her bend my tired ears for a pace. I wasn't supposed to be drinking that stuff, but there it was, and besides it kept the rising panic at ground level. Later I thanked her by sending her off with the rest of the bottle. I never saw her move that fast to her trailer before!

I am so tired of trouble, and am almost regretting starting this blog, because I am positive that my big fat mouth has betrayed me yet again. I have gotten soft and sloppy in my old age-- I guess it was pretty stupid to reveal where I live. I haven't heard anything from these guys in years, and now bam! They show up at my doorstep.
Well to hell with them. There isn't much they can do to me anymore, except steal the almanac, except guess what guys, I hid it again, and you will never find it this time. And I won't be where you think I will be next time you come looking. I have, as they say, moved on. Mobile!

More to come later...


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